
Saturday, August 31, 2019

College Pressure Essay

William Zinsser’s in his essay â€Å"College Pressure† published 1979, describes the pressures Yale students have economic, parental, and peer/self- induced. He says that these pressures make students afraid to take a risk and to try to take different paths. He wants them to believe in themselves and to try to enjoy their time in college. I have been a student at Reedley Community College for two years and the pressure I experience as a student and a mother are different from that the Yale student experienced. The first pressure that Yale students and I experience is economic pressure. Zinsser explains that in the 1970’s â€Å"tuition, room, and board at most private colleges comes at least $7000† (par. 12). He also explains how much pressure Yale students are under, that â€Å"even if the [student] works part time during school and full time during the summer†, but accrue $5000 in loans after four years, loans that the [student] must start to repay within one year after graduation† (par. 13). Then, Zinsser goes on to say that no matter how hard the student works he or she will be under pressure to pay back all the money he used. I relate to this pressure, but in a very different way. Although the cost of school for me is relatively low, I have four kids that are away at college. Having four children needing help with tuition and books puts a lot of financial pressure on me as a parent. Also, having six kids in general, three of which are girls, is expensive regardless. The country’s economic disparity has left personal finances tight and puts me under a lot of pressure to make sure my kids have everything that they need and that all bills are paid. Another pressure William Zinsser’s mentions is parental pressure which Yale students and I feel but slightly different . It refers to the amount of pressure students get from their parents. The students are being torn between pleasing their parents and pleasing themselves. Zinsser’s mentions that â€Å"often times students are walking to labs as though they are walking to the dentist. â€Å"(par. 15) Students are taking on majors in a course of study that they do not necessarily like, however, in order to keep their parents happy they take them on. They are under pressure because they want to please their parents but they’re unhappy they want to do. Because they aren’t doing what. Because I am an adult this pressure does not really apply to me. However, I do feel the pressure from my children. My children expect me to get good grades, as well as maintain everything in the house. When dinner is not made on time because of my homework, my children get upset. They also complain about laundry not being done quickly enough. Although they support me, their expectations of me put me under a lot of pressure. The final pressure that Zinsser mentions is Peer/ self-induced pressure which are a pressure that Yale students and I apply on us. Students apply unnecessary pressure on them by comparing themselves to their peers. Zinsser mentions that a student he calls Linda â€Å"who came in and said she was under terrible pressure because her roommate, Barbra was much brighter and studied all the time. † This student is a perfect example of making an unnecessary comparison which stresses her out. This pressure leads to students over work them-selves. â€Å"A professor will assign five-page papers†. â€Å"Several students will start writing ten-page papers to impress him. †(par. 27). Instead of just following the guidelines of an assignment they are trying to shoot above and beyond the requirements. I can really relate to this pressure because I do add a lot of stress on myself. I immediately assume everyone is doing better than me which makes me work harder, but at the same time it causes me to over work myself. I have to make sure all my kids need are done, and then I stay up late to make sure all my school work is done. This pressure affects me negatively because I add a lot of stress on myself that does not need to be added. Instead of focusing on my growth academically. I am always worried about who is doing better than me in class. A couple of ways I am trying to manage my stress is by making daily and weekly to-do lists and putting the most important at the top and working my way down. It’s a great way to manage my time as well. Being that I am a mother of six, my stress level seems like it’s multiplied by seven and I need to be able to put some of that stress aside and finally focus on my schooling since my oldest is twenty-two and my youngest is thirteen. Another great way I make stresses more manageable is by keeping procrastination to a huge minimum. If work that is assigned gets gradually done before the due date, it won’t all pile up the night before causing you to panic. Stress always piles up and it occurs more than any of us would like, but it shouldn’t be a reason to fail. By overcoming these pressures, we become stronger at the end.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Crafting & Executing Strategy Whole Foods

Crafting & Executing Strategy Whole Foods Your Report will be evaluated on the quality of your ability to: 1. Appropriate use of Executive Summary, Introduction and Conclusions 10 marks †¢ Demonstrate ability to appropriately capture key recommendations and overview in an Executive Summary. Proper use of an introduction to capture the main aspects of the body of the report and a concise conclusion. . Answers to the Questions Posed in Case Study/Presentation             50 marks †¢ The body of the report should clearly address the questions posed in the case study       †¢ The group presentation should effectively convey the case and recommendations in the format of a third party consultant presenting to the John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods. 3. Develop Strategic Recommendations/Key Findings 10 marks Your report should also address the strategic recommendations and/or key findings identified from answers to the five questions in the body of the report. 4. Use of Appropriate graphs/charts/diagrams 15 marks †¢ Your report should utilize relevant statistics in graphs, charts or diagrams to more effectively convey the key points in the body of your report. 5. Links to course readings and additional research 5    marks       ?Clearly cite your work and identify at least 2 separate sources with appropriate footnotes or endnotes. ? Words that are not your own must be formally cited. 6. Style and format 10 marks ? Write a report that is error free (spelling/grammar)       ? Write a report that is concise (communication is clear and to the point)       ? Write a report that is professional (easy to read, accurate in its content)       ? The report should not exceed 10 pages, double-spaced text plus charts/diagrams

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Cross Cultural Managment and Communication at Mitsubishi Essay

Cross Cultural Managment and Communication at Mitsubishi - Essay Example Such a lack of communication is causing problems in the Rand D department in the US. Moreover, there are time delays due to poor communication, lack of coordination and the general employee dissatisfaction of not having the work done between the two departments. With the frameworks, the report intends to identify the problem areas of these two departments and thus be able to come up with a solution to these problems. The frameworks used in the report are Hofstede and the research of Hall. These have been chosen as they will help highlight the problems that the two departments of Mitsubishi are facing. As per Frank, M. (2001) the first framework analyses the organizational culture which is influenced by the national culture. This thus gives a stark comparison of the two cultures and thus the differences once highlighted indicate to the solutions of the problems. The Hall research has been used to analyze because it analyses and highlights the characteristics of the individual employees as well as their collective characteristics as a team. Such characteristics reveal the problems that they face and thus help in understanding the situation better. With the use of these frameworks an attempt has been made to analyze the problems for Mitsubishi and to see how the cross cultural communication and management affects the working of an organization. Moreover, what factors create such problems and make t hings difficult for a firm’s progress are illustrated. Mitsubishi has its operations in US that oversees sales, finance, manufacturing and research and development. However there are stark differences in the culture and management styles in the operations of the firm’s Japanese and American operations. This is because there are cultural, legal, political and economic differences in the two countries which account for the differences in the management styles.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

'Compare and contrast Martin Amis In the Palace of the End with Latif Essay

'Compare and contrast Martin Amis In the Palace of the End with Latif Yahia The Devil's Double' - Essay Example of the End by Martin Amis presents the story of Old Nadir who was the powerful dictators preparing his son, the Next Nadir, for the inheritance of the throne (Finney, 2013:33). On the other hand, the story, The Devils Double by Latif Yahia is based on the ruling regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, who is also preparing his son, Uday Hussein, for the inheritance of the throne (YahÃŒ £yaÃŒ , 2011:2). Thus basically, the two stories follow a similar style of narration, since they center on the lives of the anticipated heirs to the throne, and the vigorous process of inhumane lives they live, mostly characterized by torturing the perceived enemies of the throne. The plot of the two stories has similarly followed the lives of these heirs to the throne, though not mostly centered on their personal lives, but the lives of their personal body doubles, who are meant to act like them in every way, so they can take the risk that such heirs are exposed to, at the expense of the heirs themselves. Latif Yahia is the personal double of Uday Hussein in the story The Devils Double, and he is the narrator of the story. Similarly, the story In the Palace of the End by Martin Amis is narrated by an unnamed character who is the personal double of the Next Nadir (Greaney, 2008:21). Thus, the fundamental comparison between these two stories is that they apply the same style of story narration, which is first person narration. The stories are narrated by the actual individuals who are participating in the activities of impersonating the heirs to the throne, and every aspect of the narration is their own account of what they have done or what has happened to them, in the process of living as the real heirs to the throne (Keulks, 2006:47). The application of this style of narrating the story by the authors of the two books is simply meant to show the real situation of dictatorship in the countries such as Iraq during the reign of Saddam Hussein as experienced firsthand by the characters

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Chemical Welfare in War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chemical Welfare in War - Essay Example A study on the wind patterns in the surrounding area had earlier on been undertaken by the German meteorologists to ascertain the most effective location to place the gas cylinders. The opponents of war-the French soldiers were never prepared to face this particular lethal weapon deployed by the German soldiers what immensely resulted in fatal deaths and casualties (Fitzgerald, 2008, p. 611-625). The main objective of the use of the chemical weapons by the German soldiers was to certainly weaken their opponents. There are particularly a number of gases deployed by the different opponents in World Wars depending on the harm these allies wished to inflict on their opponents. Teargas was the first chemical weapon to be used in the World War 1 (Fitzgerald, 2008, p. 611-625). Teargas a 26mm grenade full of the ethyl bromoacetate gas was first used by the French soldiers in 1911. The chemical weapon was later on adopted by the German soldiers who used it against the British soldiers. Mustard gas was popularly used by the German soldiers and perceived to be one of the most effective chemical weapons to have been used in the First World War (Fitzgerald, 2008, p. 611-625). Phosgene gas and the chlorine gas were also deployed by the different allies in World wars. The Phosgene gas and the chlorine gas are perceived to be more deadly for they resulted in more fatal consequences than the Mustard gas even when administered in small amounts. However, through the warring years, the mustard gas was declared the ‘king of Battle Gasses† following its ability to cause eye injuries, lung injuries and result into blisters that were very hard to treat(Fitzgerald, 2008, p. 624). This made the soldiers exposed to the gas keep off the battlefield for quite a long time.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Individual Assignment 10 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Individual Assignment 10 - Article Example In addition, the malware will insert unwanted advertisements in the non-affiliated websites like spawn pop-ups that require the internet user to click the advertisement message (Solomon and Tuten 18). Another unethical practice in generating and nurturing sales leads is semantic marketing and behavioral targeting. Semantic advertising on the social media involves semantic analytics that can interpret the meaning and the main topic in a subject thus populating such visited websites with targeted advertisements even though not requested by the users. Behavioral targeting involves monitoring the behavior of the internet users especially the websites visited and hours spend on different websites. These practices are unethical since they interfere with the autonomy of the user and lead to other unethical practices such as spamming and violation of privacy and confidentiality of the internet users (Solomon and Tuten 24). Behavioral tracking is a practice whereby the advertisers monitor the electronic shopping patterns of the internet users together with the sites visited. In 2011, the Federal Trade Commission announced plans to require the advertisers to permit ‘do not track’ or ‘turn off the tracking switch’ and even disclose their monitoring activities (Solomon and Tuten 33). From the ethical perspective, advertisers should disclose their intentions or permit the internet users to turn off tracking. According to the rights perspective of ethics, internet and social media users have the right to privacy thus advertisers must disclose their intentions or permit the switch off tracking option. It is the right of internet users to control their activities on the internet, their images and information that is shared over the internet. According to the egalitarianism or fairness approach to ethics, disclosing the tracking intentions or permitting the switch off button is fair to users of the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Management between the hard work, intelligence and wisdom Research Paper

Management between the hard work, intelligence and wisdom - Research Paper Example The project will help create a model to be used by managers in providing intelligent solutions to organizational problems and wise management guidelines to help managers make the best decisions for their organizations. This project will base the research on a sample of organizations in Kuwait, Dubai and Istanbul. The study is designed to make inferences that can apply to a wide population that is, the whole world. Management is a field of study that keeps on changing each and every other day. There is a need to keep on revising the current trends, the traditional practices and researching on the future techniques that are going to be applied in management of organizations. Management is a key factor to performance for almost every organization in the whole world. Use of wise techniques in providing intelligent solutions to organizational problems will highly help organizations to achieve their goals successfully. The project will entail a detailed research for primary data in Kuwait, Dubai and Istanbul and secondary data from books, journals and other publications that contain data relevant to the study. The data will be carefully analyzed and presented as findings. Conclusions and recommendations about the findings will then be made. This will be both quantitative and qualitative recommendations. The goal of this project will be to introduce the concepts of wise management and intelligent solution as a management tool. The goal is considered SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound) due to the following reasons; the recommendations are to show a guideline of generating intelligent solutions to problems and making wise management decisions (Taylor, 2009). The study will show the levels of management and how the strategies inferred are going to be allocated to various levels of management. The goals are attainable since the study is wide and from different locations thus, the recommendations will consecutively be realistic. The projects goals will have a time frame of six months starting from the commencement of the project. The goal highlighted above is indirectly the hypothesis of the study. LITERATURE REVIEW Management is faced with a lot of challenges and obstacles in practice. The study will reveal how the challenges and obstacles affect the organizations and how to tackle them. For example, in Kuwait, people are very tribal and self centered. Managers will find it difficult in organizing, coordinating and controlling them. They will prefer dealing with people of their own tribe, people they know and many other social issues. This necessitates a study to improve the sharpness of managers in terms of skill and experience. Organizations are always ready to offer good salaries and allowances to managers in exchange for their quality service. This study will help potential managers to understand the importance of quality/wise techniques in making management decisions. This will benefit organizations like governmen t, civil service, financial firms, commercial firms, educational institutions, NGOs and many other institutions. Ever since the 19th century, many organizations have adopted the traditional five techniques of management. They were: planning, organizing, implementation, inspection and human resource management. Changes in business and other areas have created demand for further studies in the sector.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Business Decision Making Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business Decision Making Process - Essay Example It is because of this reason that it is often important for the higher management to improve upon the decision making process by learning tools and techniques which contribute towards improving the overall effectiveness of the decisions made. It is important to note that decision making and problem solving are often considered as the same however, there are certain subtle differences which need to be taken into account for decision making and problem solving. It is important to understand that decision making takes place at every level of the organization i.e. from top management of the organization to the operational level and as such magnitude, nature and importance of decision making at each different level differs from each other. This paper will apply the analyses and techniques of business decision making in planning and delivery of the Ashes Test to be played at Cardiff during 2009 providing at least three illustrations or examples. Business decision making process is quite complex process as it draws upon data from different sources and utilizes them in different manner in order to achieve the desired results. In order to make better and more effective decisions, it is therefore important that almost every possible aspect of decision making shall be taken into consideration. Cost and benefit analysis is the major criteria based on which most of the business decisions are made and as such there are different tools and techniques which are used to make decisions more effective. Over the period of time the general theoretical thrust behind the business decision making has been based on finding the quantitative aspects of the decision making whereas on the other hand qualitative aspects of decision making were not taken into consideration. (Baker,1981). This focus on the quantitative aspects of decision making has greatly improved the capability of

Friday, August 23, 2019

What criticisms can be made of Margaret Thatcher's policies as Prime Essay

What criticisms can be made of Margaret Thatcher's policies as Prime Minister - Essay Example Thatcher's policies which include the reduction of taxes, reduction of inflation through the manipulation of money supply, privatization of public industries, suppressing trade union powers through introduction of laws, reduction of the role played by the government in the economy.According to Young (1993), Margaret Thatcher was the first female to become a prime minister in the UK. She was the leader of the Conservative Party and was in office for three consecutive terms. She is known to be the longest serving prime minister as she governed office from 1979 up to 1990. In most cases, she is referred to as the most divisive prime minister of the century. She was greatly reverence but also hated by the divided members of the public particularly because of her reaction towards the trade unions. Margaret Thatcher rule has been criticized as lacking proper and unified policies. Together with her government, she has been associated with several practices and ideals referred to as Thatcher ism (Evans, 2004). Critics have argued that Thatcherism is well known for its rhetoric and not what it achieved. It is viewed as being contradictory and that Thatcher’s rule was differentiated by its strategic purpose. In considering its challenges to the states existing features, Thatcherism is considered as a radical force. The presumptions and priorities which had been established in the prior years were criticized and then discarded. In 1979 when Margaret Thatcher came to power as the first prime minister in the UK,... She established several policies which included; reduction of inflation through the manipulation of money supply. She focused on the idea of monetarism and the free market economics. The conservative administration’s first policies were to handle the inflation and the budget deficit. The monetarism belief indicated that money supply had to be controlled in order to successfully control the inflation. The entire government deficit had to be reduced in order to be able to control money supply. This led to the implementation of deflationary policies. There was increase in tax rates and reduction on government spending. The policies which were intended to reduce inflation in return led to increase in the interest rates. It was possible to reduce inflation through the deflationary policies of both monetary and fiscal nature. This could be attained at the cost of reduced aggregate demand and reduced economic growth. The government continued to pursue deflationary policies regardless of the economy going down to full scale recession, and unemployment being on the rise. It led to several criticisms and a number of economists in the country signed a letter addressing the government to bring the recession to an end and to change the economic policy. Thatcher was greatly criticized by different individuals including those from her own party. According to critics, the reduction of inflation could have been performed with minimal impact. It caused unexpected level of unemployment, while seeking to attain bogus money supply. The unemployment affected individuals in different ways in that it resulted in personal and several social problems. The different riots that came up in Britain in 1981 were attributed to the high rate

PUBLIC RELATIONS PLAN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

PUBLIC RELATIONS PLAN - Essay Example Though we have already come a long way in such a short time, to the point that we are already at the top of our league, we believe that this is still not yet the end of the road. As long as we are rising up, we are gaining more time to live and grow. There is so much to do and still many roads to take. There are still a lot of orders to deliver and cakes to invent. Moreover, our world is growing large, leaving us with a lot of areas to explore. Our expansion program which concerns growing weed killer resistant wheat crop in Derbyshire is a type of road that is put forth to us, and it is up to us whether or not to take it. It is entirely a different league compared to what we have been doing these past six years. During those times, our world is only limited in the kitchen, accepting orders and baking different kinds of fresh and delicious cakes. We never ventured outside our comfort zone until this point. Thus, there are a series of things that we need to consider in order to make sure we are making the right move. Major Issues Involved In this bold move of the company, there are a lot of areas that should be tackled. Covering these issues is important especially since this an expansion program is a novel venture for our company. Some of the major issues are the following: 1. The location where the wheat shall be grown. 2. The land where the wheat shall be planted. 3. The reaction of the Derbyshire locals regarding weed killer-resistant wheat.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ethan from - Realism Essay Example for Free

Ethan from Realism Essay The rise of Realism in 1855 was the time when farming began to industrialize, communication expanded through railroads, and Nationalism was yet again revived. On top of all these important transformations that have marked this period of time was the significance for literature with a new audience, new settings, and new characters. The novel, Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton, is a magnificent example of literature from the Realistic period. First, Realism is a definite movement away from the Romantic period. Romantics wrote regarding the unique and the unusual, whereas in Realism, literature was written about the average and ordinary. The town where the novel takes place is Starkfield, an average farming community. There is not much in the town that is of interest or anything extravagant to be known for. In addition, literature from Romanticism focused on hopes, while Realistic literature illustrated skepticism and doubt. The narrator describes the scene where Zeena declares to Ethan that her sickness is getting serious, saying, She continued to gaze at him through the twilight with a mien of wan authority, as of one consciously singled out for a great fate. Ive got complications, she said (108 Wharton). Hope for Zeenas health is nonexistent, and she, being a hypochondriac, confirms the fact that she feels doubtful about life. The Romantics wrote about the unusual and hopeful, which are characteristics that are not strongly represented in Realistic literature. The second aspect of Realism is the idea of Regionalism. One indication of Regionalism in literature is the characters dialect. An excellent depiction of dialect is where Harmon Gow says, Wust kind, . . . Moren enough to kill most men (6). His regional accent is shown by the spelling and punctuation, allowing the reader to have an idea of how Harmon would have said it. Another aspect of Regionalism is the customs and the way of life of the characters. One way of life that the characters are accustomed to is the normality of marriage between cousins. As this practice is not enthusiastically accepted everywhere, it brings the Regionalistic aspect to the novel. Regionalism, which includes the characteristics of dialect and customs, is a critical component of Realism. Third, Realistic literature uses the concept of Naturalism. In Ethan Frome, the bleak winter setting is a primary clue that nature plays a key role in the story. Nature is displayed as a powerful and malevolent force that is indifferent to humankind. In the novel, the narrator once stated, But when winter shut down on Starkfield, and the village lay under a sheet of snow perpetually renewed from the pale skies, I began to see what life thereor rather its negationmust have been . . . (7). This statement depicts the winter seasons in Starkfield as gloomy and undesirable weather. Aside from the setting, the basic animal nature of humans also draws out the Naturalistic traits in Realism. The narrator tells what was going through Ethans mind following the smash-up, . . . and far off, up the hill, he heard the sorrel whinny, and thought: `I ought to be getting him his feed. . . (172). At such an intense moment, Ethans animal nature brings him to think about tending to his hungry horse instead of caring about his and Matties teetering lives. These examples signify the sense of nature and its forces used in the literature of Realists. Edith Whartons novel, Ethan Frome, is a wonderful example of Realistic literature. Its style shows signs of a distinct shift away from Romanticism and illustrates the aspects of Regionalism and Naturalism, two major components of Realism. Authors of the Realistic period depicted life as typical, everyday people lived and knew it to be, using these important points. The ordinary characters that dealt with common problems and situations in the literature brought a new group of readers, establishing a unique new era that has changed the way people perceive life forever.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Impact Of The Digital Age

The Impact Of The Digital Age Digital age is same thing as modernism and modernism can simply be defined as an overall socially progressive trend of thought that affirms the power of human beings creates, improve and reshape their environment with the aid of practical, experimental and scientific knowledge or technology. In modernism, there are some certain impacts on social, economic and political life of the societies today, because it has touched all these areas. When we talked of the impact of digital age or modernism on the society, we will be focusing on the changes we have on the social aspects of the world in general, that is, how the society is socially on progress. In the economic life of the societies, we will be focusing on the technologies that changed how people lived, where they lived and how they thought, why there is a rapid change in the production of goods, and also the means of moving those goods from place to another in todays society. In political life, we have the changes in politics, the r ise of working class, and the reason why many are poor and lived in bad conditions while the fewer enjoyed the profits. Industrial revolution is one of the impacts of modernism in the economic life of the societies today because the use of new technologies and inventions of machines helps towards increasing production of goods and services and also delivering those goods to the appropriate place when needed. Today mechanized production and modern economic growth continue to spread to some new areas. As at that period, workers move from their working environment to another in order to search for a perfect industry with requirement that will make work easier and saves time because as at that period before industrial revolution took place, working at the industry is something different because things and requirement arent the way they are because the means to carrying out the work is not there but by man power. It was claimed that the factory systems developed during that period were responsible for the modern cities nowadays, because the system was new, and the workers had not experienced such, and thus everyone has an opportunity to go to somewhere in search of greener posture of the world, and much of some human beings have not yet knew or had about the changes. Economic generate a great distribution of funds extracted from resources, which then led to a progressive shift in legislation. After the second and third reform acts, income inequality was reduced by progressive and successive acts of legislation which gave a free public. Education had also strengthened the legal standing of the trade unions that aided the aged, the sick ones, and the unemployed individuals without abridging their political rights and replaced regressive with progressive taxes on income, land, and inherited wealth. Selling of goods and services like in British, east India companies were opportune by the government; larger ships were built because of enlightenment following an increased in the aspects of production. George Bernard Showed up once again and said the market solution ended up in the best social solution. For the first time in history, the living standards of the masses of ordinary people have begun to undergo sustained growth. In impact of digital age on the social life of the society today is connected with ones position in the society, his social class and also his social background, nowadays, there are so many changes in the social aspect of our lives. A very good example of this is festival, changes in tradition and also in the mood of dressing, all this became possible because of the impact of digital age we have today. If we look around us today, its hard to find a person that has not added anything new to his traditional attires , what I mean here is, for instance, for the Hausas and also the Fulanis, there were not know for wearing jeans and tops, but now it has become a common thing based on socialization. Before, many do not believe in going to school especially the Fulanis, they only believe in rearing cattles while the women among them are to stay at home, but now, everyone wants to be in school, illiteracy is darkness, people dont believe in staying at home doing nothing anymore, for at least even when they lack the opportunity or dont have the means of going school or seeking for job opportunity, they will prepare engaging themselves in a small business just for them to earn something for a living. There are so many changes due to the impact digital age on the social life of our societies today. Social philosophers of the 1700s supported the idea of individual human rights, respects, freedoms has dissolved the old ways of supreme wealth of Royalty and everyone else peasants exponential population growth properties kept on getting sub-grouped, couldnt keep doing that many people moved to towns, people in cities need jobs, and need to buy things instead of making it themselves. Lack of work result to poverty and unavailability of food, so there were few to work, and much waiting to have one. Work made the opportunity to move ahead. The impact of digital age on the political life of the societies today is connected with the state, government or public affairs. Today, there are a lot of changes in politics, in government, we have the arms of government where it consist of the legislative, judiciary and the executive arms of government and every arm of government listed here has its own responsibility to carry on and also certain years that each president in Nigeria had to spent in office, all this is because of the impact of digital age we have today. Let go deep into the impact of digital age on political life of the society, another considerable impact to look on is during the election period, today, people do come out of their houses to vote for the beloved candidate, individuals were given the right to vote for whom they wish to be their leader and at any period, a well educated individual with the necessary requirement that will qualified him to stand as a candidate during an election can do so. Politicians clued into those dynamics and spoke of growth in that system could get votes. In politics, we considered the working class, people can now vote and be voted for, and thats the people that engage themselves in politics would probably be the candidate in an election. Today, as a result of the impact on digital age we have on the political life of the society today, you can write an article, letter or even through computers that are all over that will enabled you go online, search for one of your leaders and have a mutual conversation with him/her about the political problems that rises all the time, the issue of corruption among the leaders, misused of the public funds etc and the best way to tackle all this problems .People could get things that were previously not available to common people, and standard of living could go up. In conclusion, digital age had so much impact on the social, economic and political life of the societies today because it has brought so much changes in our daily aspects of life and also helps us to improve and reshape our environment with the aid of practical, experimental and scientific knowledge or technology.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Laws Effect on Population

The Laws Effect on Population Abstract Society revels in the idea of a free and safe world. Humans are a sinful species that have made precautions in order to protect themselves and others. These laws and regulations have psychological effects on those who abide and live in their presence. Some people go mad. Others are able to live in harmony with these boundaries on freedom. Laws have shown to be troublesome in some cases. One case in particular is World War II. Joseph Stalin was a very powerful leader of communist Russia. He was merciless and took complete advantage over the boundless role he played as leader. Some laws have always been in existence. Scientists known world-wide have expressed these laws to all of society, showing that we are all bound to some sort of lawful agreement. You cannot fight nature. You must be in sync with existence and freedom. For life is only as good as you allow it to be. Keywords: laws, evil, power, society, Lord of the Flies The characteristics of man create killers, lovers, and believers, but what is it that molds us into the figure we grow up to be? Living in a world of complete freedom has dangerous undertones. The fear for life and safety forces man to act sinister. Malignancy is only another part of life. William Golding’s Lord of the Flies characterizes how man has an undercurrent of evil subsided by the laws and rules that control society. Laws, however good they may be, can also cause an uprising in an individual or a population. Order; being a primary concern, can also become over stimulated and lead to a rebellion. In some cases laws can even act as a restriction toward the advancement of justice. In William Goldings Lord of the Flies the introduction of rules sparked the competitiveness of being in power. Quickly, the boys primal urges transcended. They fought for power, leadership, and safety. I ought to be chief, said Jack with simple arrogance, because Im chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C sharp.(Golding 129) Disregarding what is truly important, escape, their old lives become transparent in their thoughts. Any rules that were set in place were sacrificed. Their evolution into savagery was relentless. This outlook shows that without proper enforcement, the boys did not have enough authority to prevent their descent into darkness. Society is, and always has been evil. The only thing that separates us from the beasts of the wild is our intelligence and our innate ability to adapt. Man must be taught to conform to man’s idea of a good society. From first breath, man’s desire to only fulfill his own needs is greater than that of any other. The thought of satisfying another’s needs or wants are light years away. Only with remedial adjustment can we stretch that light closer. The goodness in one’s heart is shrouded with self-promotion and selfishness. Effort must be made in order for one to become good of heart. The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy is forever increasing in our universe. Entropy is the end and the beginning. No matter what actions take place in the middle, we have started out and will end in a world of evil and disaster. Even before religion came into existence, man had to follow the laws of nature, the laws of physics. Nowhere in time is there a place where rules didnt exist. Never has any being had perfect freedom. The pencil you drop the rotation of the planets around the sun, and the force that keeps you down to earth. Everything is bound by laws. â€Å"Laws are necessary because they keep order, tranquility and justice in the world. If you look at back at many philosophers of the Enlightenment period, you would find that they all believed in the potential purity of action; however they also believed in the potential evil in ones actions.†(Association Awards 3) Sometimes it just takes time to realize our boundaries. Isaac newton was a scientist that discovered many principles that are still used today in modern physics. His mind has created an influence that has stretched past generations and beyond. He spent the majority of his life dedicated to science. If I have done the public any serv ice, it is due to my patient thought. (Principia 1) This quote from Sir Isaac Newton lends the thought that a forbearing life can result in a well-spent life. If something is of importance then it is worth waiting for. Being held back by restrictions may seem bothersome at times, but could prove to have been the influence necessary for a huge breakthrough. Man has made many attempts in correcting and metamorphosing individuals into something acceptable by peers. Laws, rules, and restrictions have molded modern day society into something that goes against human nature. â€Å"The law is a set of rules for society, designed to protect basic rights and freedoms, and to treat everyone fairly.† (Effect on Germans 3) These important contributions to man have held society together as great nations for many generations. However, society may not be psychologically stable due to its obligation for beneficial contradictions. These unhealthy expectations can lead to rebellion, madness, and even a world once again filled with cruelty. Freedom paired with safety and fun is an example of an illogical aspiration. More than anything else, humans need to feel safe from harm. While order is an essential aspect for the well-being of people it is not enough. Longevity is a direct result from order. When there are laws that keep things in line, we ten d to live longer, live safer, and without fear. Some say that the government enforces laws so that they have the power to oversee everything. â€Å"Almost everything we do is governed by some set of rules†. (Britannica 17) Surveillance is a common method of ensuring protection; however, it has not proven to be the most effective form of security. It is easily bypassed by even the simplest of methods. People will develop ways to sidestep boundaries. Government has shown to be a tourniquet on freedom. In the United States, we have laws left and right. We are not always happy about these rules, since they often tell us what we can and cannot do or are keeping us from doing what we want. In order to live civilly one must create a mutualistic relationship with the law. The majority of population is kept under control through means of silent threats. Laws are a constant reminder that if you do not do what is wanted then you will be punished. Whether these laws are for the well-being for the people or if they are for the well-bein g of the government is irrelevant. Their purpose is the same. To control an entire mass of people peacefully is irrational. Gandhi was a man of peace. Revered the world over for his nonviolent philosophy of passive resistance, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was known to his many followers as Mahatma, or â€Å"the great- souled one.†(19) Much of his life was focused on ending the struggles in his home country India. His ascetic lifestyle was an inspiration to millions under government control. During World War I he became an influential part of India’s fight for independency. His dedicated eloquence toward his practical and religious lifestyle earned him reverence among those who followed him. Gandhi proved that power is only relative to the eyes of receiver. His beliefs on power strained from his beliefs of peace and mercifulness. Even after his imprisonment he continued to act as an influential part of the war. When he was released into the public he started a new civil d isobedience campaign against the government taxing, which helped improve the life of India’s poorest citizens. People living in a law-bound society are morally bound by the beliefs their ancestors and peers have brought forth into existence. Theists are primarily responsible for the foundation of civilization today. Customs forged from deities, false or true, have sculpted the customs followed today. The Bible is responsible for most of the laws in the United Sates. Our constitution was crafted from the teachings the bible. Religion governs most lives no matter their beliefs. Calling yourself an atheist will not change the fact that you have to abide by the laws created by people that believed in figments. It is taught that this life you live is only a training ground to see if you are truly worthy to grant your eyes the blessing of god. If you fail to comply with the rules that he has set in place then the rest of your existence will be spent in eternal damnation. Scared for what may truly exist, many people decide they would be better off to just comply than to risk putting something they d ont understand at risk. Since the beginning of all human understanding we have been forced to follow some guidelines. Despite laws being proven to get in the way of some advancement, laws can also show to be very beneficial. â€Å"Regulation creates limits, constrains a right, creates or limits a duty, or allocates a responsibility†. (Deddington 21) Laws are the number one reason why millions of lives are spared a day. Government has cast a strong shadow of awareness of what will happen if you act inappropriately. The aggressiveness that follows safety is a by-product of concern and care. As long as you act within the law, then you will be fine. The law is there for protection. If you accept it, then it will accept you. However, law has a made strong point that if you do not choose to live under these rules then you may not live at all. Communist Russia held a stronghold of customs that may have seemed insane to alien countries. They were not allowed nearly as much freedom as federal governments. Russians were paid based on their skills and needs. The amount of greed they lusted for was much lower than that of any neighboring country. They lived by a simple creed. Live hard and work hard. Russia was a communist country for over 80 years. It had a thriving economy with content citizens that populated it border to border. Joseph Stalin reined leader from 1924 to 1953. His influence on the world was a primary reason for the abandonment and rebellion against communism in Russia. He was responsible for the holocaust of millions of Ukraine’s that is largely forgotten. He organized 10 million farmers to fund a communist collective farm. When they denied, he commanded troops to kill them. When bullets proved to be too expensive he simply removed all sources of food and starved them all to death. Stalin’s death count was much higher than that of Hitler. He was more ruthless and had little morals. His actions were spontaneous and without reason. Stalin possessed an exceptional amount of power with no restriction as to what he was allowed to do. â€Å"There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it.†(Rowling 143) This flood of wrong doing created massive alert world-wide. World empires teamed up in order to take Stalin down. The idea of evil is based on perspective. Over time society has become less reliant on force and more drawn toward peace. For nearly one hundred years slavery was thriving in America. A strict decree of prejudicial etiquette was formed in order to keep control over African Americans. Slavery was largely uncontested until the late 1800’s. Abraham Lincoln was a powerful man that despite feeling more powerful than minorities, he still felt there was no justification for the burden of the white man’s problems being forced unto slaves. In his eyes they were now a part of the United States and deserved freedom. He continued with his cause knowing that the government would not be able to act forcefully against his cause. â€Å"For in reason, all government without the consent of the governed is the very definition of slavery.†(Thinkexist 2) With no freedoms or rights, the black community held no ground and could in no way act against the government in a safe manner. Lif e was grueling and unrewarding. The scraps they were fed could only be flavored by the salt from their tears. Black children were unknowingly born into an unrelenting society. â€Å"I didnt know I was a slave until I found out I couldnt do the things I wanted†(1) The government had complete control. Superfluous power deteriorated the foundation that America had built one for the last century. Their supremacy turned out to be their own downfall. Within a year Abraham Lincoln was able to abolish slavery through acts centered on pacifism. His campaign for presidency was also centered on the freedom of the nation and fairness of the governed. Laws only have as much power as we are willing to give them. Much like an animal that makes itself seem bigger to scare its prey, the government pursues a persona of complete control until retaliation occurs. Every action we commit further increases entropy. We live in a small world and are only allowed a limited number of mistakes before we become consumed with sin. Committing to others may be the only way for true bliss to be achieved. Allowing laws to run your life may be your only salvation, your only way of functioning in modern day society. Having a solid foundation, comforting surroundings, and a safe life. These are the primary concerns that are addressed by law. Law, despite being the abstract webbing that holds lives together, is not unbeatable. Humans have shown time and time again to overcome boundaries and morph them into something they favor. Works Cited Association Awards. Law and Society Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. The Editors of Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Lord of the Flies (novel by Golding). Encyclopedia Britannica  Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 1 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Apr. 2014 Effect_on_Germans. Effect_on_Germans. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. Francis, Robert, and Martin J. Walker. Lord of the Flies. Deddington: Philip Allan Updates, 2010. Print. Isaac Newton Quotes. Isaac Newton Quotes (Author of The Principia). N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May  2014. The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments. Trenton: I. Collins, 1791. Print. Beech, Linda. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling. New York, NY: Scholastic, 2000. Print. Slavery Quotes. Thinkexist.com. ThinkExist, n.d. Web. 16 May 2014. Annotated Bibliography Francis, Robert, and Martin J. Walker. Lord of the Flies. Deddington: Philip Allan Updates, 2010. Print. Lord of the Flies offers an interesting point of view over the effects that laws have over mankind. It reveals our underlying nature. This book argues the evil that is inside of man. It focuses on the aspect of sin and rebellion that follows our natural position. This source is very useful. The information is opinionated but still very reliable. The goal of this source is to lead me toward believing that we are all born into evil but sculpted into a society that will keep us safe. This resource has been extremely helpful in understanding the flaws of man. It promotes the idea that rules keep us safe but draw us farther from our natural environment. I can use this source in my paper as a way to show the reader how freedom makes us turn into beasts. It may even change the way they think about the world like it has me. The Editors of Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Lord of the Flies (novel by Golding). Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 1 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. This source summarizes the dark side of human nature. It also stresses how important the need for intelligence is needed for a controlled society. The usefulness of this source is going to be very reliable when writing about the fashion of society. This source is not biased but rather explains the cold hard facts that have been put down on us along with the constraints of the government. The source was helpful because it will allow the reader to understand how freedom can be a bad thing. It will explain that the laws we have are a double edged sword. What Is the Law. What Is the Law. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. The main reason for this article was to explain why we have laws. It covers topics such as crime rate and crime dependency. A useful source such as this is reliable because of the facts that are given along with the points made. The information perceived is not biased. It was all gathered from credible sources. The source explains why laws exist as well as what could happen if they did not exist. I will use this source when I cover law dependency and necessity. How Laws Affect People. VM Law RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2014. Laws affect people in positive and negative ways. It forces us to settle our natural instincts and focus on a more controlled way of living. Not all data presented is reliable, however, I will use what is not opinionated. The goal of this source is to let the reader know what happens when laws colonize a population. The source will be helpful. It will further prove how badly laws affect a society. I will be using this source in my project. Effect_on_Germans. Effect_on_Germans. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. The German’s had many laws that caused an economic downturn. There were many things they weren’t allowed to do. This explains how a rebellion was cause from over enforcement. The source will be slightly useful when enforcing my thoughts on how laws can be trouble if they limit freedom too much. The source is not biased at all. It’s goal was to explain a reason why the Germans may have attacked and starting world war II The article fits into the research paper because it goes over laws that cause rebellion. I do not completely agree with it but, it can further my paper and make it easier to understand. Association Awards. Law and Society Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. This is a peer reviewed article. It gives solid facts concerning the importance of laws The topic covers important issues about the public needs. This source is reliable and all information presented is unbiased. This source will prove helpful and does not change my thoughts concerning laws and rules.It supports all the ideas that I will present. Law and Society Association. Law and Society Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. This source explains who controls all the laws that are made. It goes over the importance of control and freedom in law making. The source is reliable because it is straight from historical events. At the same time it is unbiased I will be able to use a small amount of the information presented. It does give good thoughts on why we need rules in a society. Laws and Regulations. USA.gov: The U.S. Governments Official Web Portal. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr.2014 This gives a detailed list of important laws. It explains why it is necessary to have them in our lives. Every aspect of this article is completely unbiased and reliable. All information is taken from the laws that we are aware of. This source furthers my understanding of law making. It will fit into the paper by assessing important topics concerning how we act around specific rules.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Michelangelo Essay -- essays research papers

In the time of the Renaissance there were many artists but one really stood out to me, he was Michelangelo. He stood out the most to me because he had some of the most beautiful work I have ever seen. He painted some of the most beautiful building that is still around today. One of the most that I enjoyed looking at was the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. It took him a lot of time to paint the entire building. I feel this was his best piece of art ever. He had many accomplishments that were outstanding. The second of five brothers, Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475, at Caprese, in Tuscany, to Ludovico di Leonardo di Buonarotto Simoni and Francesca Neri. The same day, his father noted down: "Today March 6, 1475, a child of the male sex has been born to me and I have named him Michelangelo. He was born on Monday between 4 and 5 in the morning, at Caprese, where I am the Podestà  ." Although born in the small village of Caprese, Michelangelo always considered himself a "son of Florence," as did his father, "a Citizen of Florence." Buonarroti's mother, Francesca Neri, was too sick and frail to nurse Michelangelo, so he was placed with a wet nurse, in a family of stonecutters, where he, "sucked in the craft of hammer and chisel with my foster mother. When he told my father that he wished to be an artist, he flew into a rage, 'artists are laborers, no better than shoemakers." Buonarroti's mother died young, when the child was only six years ol d. But even before then, Michelangelo's childhood had been lacking affection, and he was always to retain a good position in his father’s heart. Touchy and quick to respond with fierce words, he tended to keep to himself, out of shyness according to some but also, according to others, a lack of trust in his fellows. His father soon recognized the boy's intelligence and "anxious for him to learn his letters, sent him to the school of a master, Francesco Galeota from Urbino, who in that time taught grammar." While he studied the principles of Latin, Michelangelo made friends with a student, Francesco Granacci six years older than him, who was learning the art of painting in Ghirlandaio's studio and who encouraged Michelangelo to follow his own artistic vocation. Michelangelo studied the human anatomy in order to make his painting more life like. In doing things the pictures l... ...onna and Christ, may have been begun by Michelangelo before 1550 but had remained unfinished. Now his friends - we are told by Vasari - had asked him to start work on it again "so that he could continue using his chisel everyday." Still perfectly lucid, the almost ninety-year-old Michelangelo created one of his most spiritual images, in which the Mother and Christ almost interpenetrate in an indissoluble union, beyond passion and physical death. While residing in Florence for this extended period, Michelangelo also undertook-between 1519 and 1534-the commission of the Medici Tombs for the New Sacristy of San Lorenzo. His design called for two large wall tombs facing each other across the high, domed room. One was intended for Lorenzo De’ Medici, duke of Urbino; the other for Giulinao De’ Medici duke of Nemours. The tombs of the Medici were of a completely new form. Michelangelo abandoned the use of architecture and arabesques that decorated all Florentine tombs, and that he himself had widely used in his designs for the tomb of Pope Julius II. Here, he wanted no accessory forms, and only the statues were to express the thoughts of his soul.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Graham Greenes The Human Factor Essay -- Graham Greene Human Factor

Graham Greene's The Human Factor "Love was a total risk. Literature had always so proclaimed it. Tristan, Anna Karenina, even the lust of Lovelace - he had glanced at the last volume of Clarissa [13]." People are torn apart from one another simply because of a lack of understanding or a difference in each individual's definition of life. The highest hopes, dreams, and aspirations of one person may be trivial in the eyes of another. The way that one would define love, good, and evil could very well be the exact opposite of another's definition. To one society or culture, a man may seem to be a god because of his beliefs and values; while, to another, that man may appear to be a devil. In his The Human Factor, Graham Greene makes the reader question his or her own values and definitions while following the fast-paced and mysterious life of an English double agent. The binding power of love, the true determent of evil and the cleansing force of good are shown to be all in the eye of the beholder. As Castle, who could e asily be paralleled to both the author and the legendary and fictitious James Bond, says in the novel, love of anything is a total risk. But, it is that binding power of love, whether it is love of another or love of a country or society, that acts as a stabilizing force in society's comprehension and balance of good and evil. The character of Castle is as complex as his interpretation of the meanings of love, good, and evil as well as the connection between the three entities. Throughout the entire novel, Greene plays on the reader's assumption that Castle is not the double-agent. More importantly, he is perhaps the only character in the novel that the reader instantly associates with and perce... ...ions are just like those of Castle in the novel. Therefore, it is almost plausible to conclude that Greene personified himself as Castle. Since Castle seems to believe that he is the perfect spy or hero - James Bond, then Greene also believes this about himself. The beliefs of Castle would then be representative of Greene. By taking advantage of man's natural tendencies to apply their knowledge of good, evil, and love to any given situation, Greene has made a spy mystery that requires the reader to challenge his or her own definitions. The simple story of a lone crusader in the sea of enemies becomes a battle between good and evil, God and the Devil, and love and hate through the mastery of Greene's poetic hand. In the words of Davis, the reader has become "an actor who has been miscast: when he tried to live up to the costume, he... fumbled the part" [4].

What achieving a degree means to me :: essays research papers

â€Å"What achieving a degree means to me† Hello my name is ______________ I am a twenty nine year old married mother of two. I’ve been married for twelve years and I have an eight years old boy and a two years old girl. Since I was nineteen years old in the fall of 1991 I’ve attempted to earn a college degree attending first Tarrant County Junior College and second Weatherford College stop and starting back again several times over the years trying to reach my goal. In the summer of 1995 when my oldest was two my husband and I moved our mobile home on to new land, which required my assistance helping out financially. I started working for a great company that I loved, Auto Rail Services of Texas they are an afflation of Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway were I worked part time in the evenings doing data entry. Six months later I started working full time as the assistant office manager in charge of the day-to-day operations. I was sent to Tarrant County Junior College to gain a certificate in Microsoft Offic e applications. I continued to advance with in the company and enjoyed working there but in the July of 1998 the company suffered financially when Ford Motor Company moved there business to Union Pacific Railway, which caused downsizing in the company I was laid off. I contemplated going back to school after this but couldn’t financially afford to stop working full time. The following October I became pregnant with our second child and after her birth my husband and I decided to downsize our financial situation so that I could remain home with the baby. When the child was seven months old I took a part time position in my aunts security company where I assisted in the office and was able to bring my child with me. Not long after my aunts company was forced to go out of business, which caused me to relay on unemployment compensation, threw Texas Workforce Commission there I was informed I could return to college and receive assistance with childcare. I began all the necessary proceedings for the program and was informed before I could actually get the assistance I would need to pass the TASP test a mandatory test required before you are eligible to receive a degree in the State of Texas. Having passed all but the math section of the test I decided I would take a preparatory tasp math class.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Promote good practice in handling information in health Essay

1. Understand requirements for handling information in health and social care settings 1.1 Identify legislation and codes of practice that relate to handling information in health and social care There are several legislations and codes of practice that relates to handling information. Data protection Act 2008 is a law that protects personal privacy and upholds individuals rights. This Act gives rights to the people the information is about, data subjects puts obligations on the people who held information, data controllers, non-compliance is a criminal offence. The freedom of information Act 2000 is the Act that gives you the right to ask any public body for all information they have on the chosen subject. Unless there’s a good reason, the organisation must provide information within 20 days. The care quality commission also apply rules and regulations that need to be followed. Now they have the legal right to close a home down if it doesn’t follow the procedures. Any information that you write about an individual has to be fact and written in clear, readable writing. You also have to sign and date everything that you write. 1.2 Summarise the main points of legal requirements and codes of practice for handling information in health and social care The main points are, to keep any information on a need to know basis, to hold any information shared to you as private and confidential, unless the service user tells people himself, or says otherwise. Do not discuss anything in earshot of other people, keep everything under lock and key. There are 8 enforceable principles and they are: Fairly and lawfully processed, processed for limited purposes, adequate and relevant and not excessive, accurate, not kept longer than necessary, processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights, kept secure and finally, not transferred to countries without adequate protection. 2. Be able to implement good practice in handling information 2.1 Describe features of manual and electronic information storage systems that help ensure Apart from what i have mentioned in the question below, manual systems, which are paper type records, for example, text, photos, X-Ray, hand written notes or comments, etc, these require to be out of general view when in use and locked away when not in use or attended. Lockable filing cabinets, locked rooms and special vaults and safes can also be used. Electronic records can be protected by password access to the computer, to the folder, to the file. Some systems allow access to anything electronic by only authorised personnel based on employee number or similar. Some computers are not connected to the internet to avoid the risk of intervention. Movement of data should require that the data is first encrypted so if intercepted cannot be viewed. 2.2 Demonstrate practices that ensure security when storing and accessing information We use what we call an electronic vault, which is a system that stores the data that is imputed into a secret file and can only be seen by management with a secure password. Anybody who wants the info has to ask the manager and she works on a need to know basis. Also care plans, Mars sheets and any document relating to one of the service users is locked away until it needs to be used. This ensures confidentiality and who gets to see them. We even keep information away from family and friends. The thing we say to them is, if the individual wanted them to know, then they will tell them. 2.3 Maintain records that are up to date, complete, accurate and legible It is important to keep records which are up to date to provide accurate, current, full and correct information concerning the condition and the care required for all individuals. All records which are produced weather written  or electronic must be signed and dated; they must also be stored correctly in accordance with that data protection act 1998. It is vital that records are kept up to date, as this ensures that the individual’s needs are being met and may also help to reduce the likelihood of abuse. If an organisation failed to keep up to date records about their service users then this could lead to serious concerns being raised and could also lead to their company reputation being damaged. Service users must be told about any changes made within their personal records and care plan files. Effective record keeping by health care workers can also ensure that a high standard of health and social care is being provided within the working environment. All information written in files must be clear and relevant and must never be discussed outside of a work, as this would again breach the customer confidentiality law, the law also states that if it’s not written down, then it never happened, so this is yet another reason as to why it is so important to keep up to date records, regarding an individual’s general health and well-being. All information recorded must be fact and not guess work or ideas. 3. Be able to support others to handle information 3.1 Support others to understand the need for secure handling of information This is all in the confidentiality training that everybody does. I would teach newbies how to handle information, why it has to be kept confidential, eg legislation, laws etc and show them the effect that mistrust can have on not only us, but the service user as well. The secure handling of information in an organisation is often vital. In health care settings there are numerous regulations for us to follow to safeguard the confidential and security of data. To support new employees on this vital task during orientation the policies and procedures should be gone over as well as examples scenarios to help drive home the topic. Think of the obvious. Explain how you tell new staff about this and describe what you do if you find a colleague has left confidential documents lying about, do you remind them why records should be kept securely or do you just put the records away and not say anything? 3.2 Support others to understand and contribute to records Let’s say a new work colleague might have some new ideas on how to support someone, instead of thinking she just goes and puts the new ideas in place herself without asking her supervisor. The proper way would be to have a meeting, discuss it and if new ideas are being put into place, then guidelines or support plans would need to be updated so things can be changed. So this is where you need to explain how she should have dealt with it, contributing is putting it down on records which are the support plans etc.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Akeelah and the Bee

Akeelah was very successful in her Spelling Bee competitions. How many different learning skills are there in this movie to help all the spellers learn? Akeelah’s learning skills are what help her move further and further into the spelling bee. Basically, everyone in this movie has a different way of studying or learning. Akeelah, is a smart 11 year old girl who attends Crenshaw Middle School. She didn’t need to study for her spelling test, because she didn’t make mistakes on her tests. Akeelah doesn’t really fit in at school, she’s afraid of acting like she’s smarter than her friends or classmates.Before she goes for the Crenshaw School wide Spelling Bee, she studies alone. This makes her a Intrapersonal Learner in the beinging of the story. The principle wanted Dr. Larabee to coach her for the Regional Spelling Bee. Akeelah tells her principle no that does not need to be coached. She wanted to study alone. When Akeelah finally agrees to mee t with Dr. Larabee. She still very standoffish. She acted stubborn and hardheaded that she doesn’t need any help. So she ends up study by herself for the District Spelling Bee. She was very scared and nervous when she goes on the stage to spell because of all the people.She won tenth and made to the Regional Bee. There at the District Spelling Bee she befriends Javier a Mexican boy and fellow speller. He invites her to a spelling club at his school. The spelling club conducts itself outside on a basketball court as they pass the ball to each other to spell words. That makes me think that Javier is a Body/ Kinesthetic learner because he learns through body sensation moves around by playing basketball and spelling words. He also falls into Naturalistic learner because he’s outside while playing basketball and spelling words.Akeelah falls under the same two category but she does it a little different. She bounces the balls as she spells each letter. Another reason why I f eel this way is because she likes to be outside when studies her words. She overcomes her stage fright at the Regional Spelling Bee she’s a lot more confident. This is where I noticed that Akeelah is Verbal/ Linguistic learner. I then noticed another habit that she taps her hand on her leg as she says each letter. Just like when she was bouncing the basketball, again another example of her being a Body/ Kinesthetic learner.Dr. Larabee gives her a jump rope to spell the words as she spells, because she keeps time to spell better. This would make her musical/ rhythm because she’s keeping the rhythm as she jumps even when she taps on the side of her leg. Akeelah finally decides to apologize to Dr. Larabee so he can coach her. He doesn’t only want her to learn the words but life lessons as well. Dr. Larabee seems to be a Verbal/ Linguistic learner because he is a teacher and he communicates well through language and is a good speller. He was a former spelling bee co mpetitor when he was younger.Dr. Larabee also seems to be a Intrapersonal learner like Akeelah towards the end of the movie. The reason why I feel this way is because ,he wants to be alone doesn’t want to teach Akeelah any more. Dr. Larabee feels that teaching her is unpredictable. He gives her 5,000 flashcards to learn on her own. Akeelah gets overwhelmed with all those words, that she loses her motivation. With all the help of the neighborhood she learned all the words. As she was learning all these words she was using her jump rope outside going up and down the street.This is another example of her being a Body/ Kinesthetic and a Naturalistic learner. Because she moving her body and she’s outside while she does it. She makes it to National Spelling bee in Washington, D. C. Everything goes great because of her using a fake jump rope on stage to spell her words. The two finalist were Akeelah and Dylan, a Chinese boy who has won second place in the last two National Sp elling Bee’s. He is very contemptuous of her. Dylan’s father will not settle for second best.Dylan seems to be a Visual/ Spatial learner because he memorizes his words instead of learning them. They both win the National Championship. Mnemonic devices were used by all the spellers in this movie, because they would learn the spelling words. Then they use them when they would need them. For example they would use the word when they were ask to spell it In conclusion, most of the characters’ in this movie all had different learning style’s. But was also about the pursuit to pursuit to excellence the speller’s used. The difference between cramming and learning.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Electronic civil disobedience Essay

Civil disobedience has been a large part of societies and the past generations that have existed. With the further dawning of the information technology era, civil disobedience has taken another form—electronic civil disobedience (ECD). Though ECD takes a rather non-violent means in advancing the interests of certain groups and positing challenges to the status quo of several institutions, ECD has nevertheless remained a crucial force in shaping the image of mankind in general and will remain to be a contributing element in the coming years—and beyond. A look into electronic civil disobedience: comparisons and analyses In contrast to computer criminality, electronic civil disobedience is a means merely designed to â€Å"attack the institutions† whereas the former is more inclined to obtain profit from â€Å"actions that damage an individual†. This standing distinction contests the probable argument that there is no solid, or at least an ideal difference between the two and that both are the same means in putting down the strength of an institution or of an individual. However, while computer criminality is, by the name itself, a crime punishable by existing and applicable laws under the jurisdiction of certain states, resistance via electronic means—the most common of which is through cyberspace—is deemed to be a means to challenge the existing authority, for instance, in pushing forth necessary changes that are being sought after by individuals. This measure is, apparently, still within the borders of the law and are, hence, legal. Electronic civil disobedience (ECD) is oftentimes carried out in a manner that is not violent or, at the very least, in ways that do not involve direct physical contact (â€Å"Electronic Civil Disobedience†). Although there can be indirect physical consequences that can be attributed to the means and ends that are involved with ECD, a large bulk of the essence of ECD rests on its forefront—resistance through the maximum utility of the intangible resources available. These resources are largely comprised of electronic information and invisible systems in cyberspace that do not require physical contact among the individuals that seek to advance their interests in the face of another individual or an existing authority. Though by and large much of the past generations—and even a considerable number of the present generation of citizens—have been closely attached to the physical means of civil disobedience such as in the literal sense of â€Å"taking-up the streets†, a shift in the manifestation of civil disobedience is greatly felt in the electronic realm. Since information technology’s presence has increasingly grown over the past few decades and since its developments have been continuous and have been exponential in refinement, the impacts of electronic civil disobedience has also risen in levels proportional to the booming of the information technology industry. As recent developments in the field of cyberspace expand abruptly, so are the probable means in which ECD can make itself successful in achieving it’s goals or, at least, in making its presence and mission felt across territorial boundaries of states (Cleaver). Moreover, this growth in information technology (IT) has also started to break down the physical barriers as well as the invisible fences that hold back attempts at pushing forth civil resistance or disobedience. The physical institutions that seek to eradicate or lessen the probability of occurrence of these civil resistances have slowly diminished its grip on its capability to harness barriers and put up defensive mechanisms that strain the success of resistance from citizens. At the height of the development communication tools, effective communication has spread like wildfire from among various areas in the globe. Cellular phone technology has amassed for the people easier means to effectively transmit messages across wide distances, thereby instituting a smoother flow of information relay. Group organization and mobilization is held at a unifying pace that easily penetrates the state borders and geographical barriers. This leads us to the notion that the as the advent of electronic communication—the internet and cellular phone technology to name a few—the expected rise in the efficiency and effectiveness of group mobilization and organization in the face of electronic civil disobedience is within reach. However, the abuse of ECD as in the case of civil disobedience (CD) is always a possibility to the extent that legal measures have also to be taken by the proper authorities so as to dismantle probable grounds for violent and unlawful measures in furthering the interests of several groups. ECD, for the most part, can be a ploy utilized by extreme groups that do not only seek refuge in the non-violent methods encapsulated within the essence of ECD but also seek unlawful ends through violent actions that spring forth from the devices and advantages brought up by the electronic media. Terrorists, for example, can opt to start their large scale plans of wreaking havoc in a populated society by getting a good hold of the electronic resources available almost everywhere. The September bombings of the World Trade Center in New York has devastated a number of lives and even up to this day the damage done can still be felt not only by those who were directly affected but also by the millions of people who fear the havoc of terrorism, especially in contemporary times where ECD is not something new. It would be interesting to note on the delimiting strands that segregate those that are purely in the form of ECD and those that hid behind layers of terrorist ploys. For the most part, ECD remains today as a growing tool used as a means in contesting the status quo by oppositional forces. This brings us to the security issues posited by the ECD that confront the targeted institutions by modern-day activists. Although security measures have been reinforced throughout the years with the further advancement in technology, cyberspace remains an open territory for civil activism—and hackers. Though there may be inconclusive findings that seek to establish a connection or an alliance between hackers and ECD groups, there remains the possibility that an actual connivance may actually exist, only that the alliance is hidden beneath the rubrics of the intangible world of technology. It may be an extreme thought to dwell on such a possibility. Nevertheless one cannot entirely dismiss its factual occurrence. In the context of the general population that subscribes to the established groups that further ECD, certain identifying marks have to be made so as to pinpoint the possibility of having a hacker among the number of activists that attempt at penetrating the electronic defense mechanisms of institutions. However, the rapid growth of the electronic resources and its availability prove to be one hefty factor to surmount by the institutions. Activism is all the more fueled by this growth and, thus, the efforts of the institutions are to be doubled or thickened accordingly if ECD is to be diminished. Quite on the other hand, ECD may not be diminished at all, nor can it be totally dissolved especially when the generation we have of today is one that is teeming with the abundance of electronic wealth (Wehling). It must be further realized that such an (ever increasing) abundance in the electronic resources found in cyberspace provides a fertile starting point for extreme organizations that might utilize ECD as an initial step towards electronic violence and as a front for the extensive damage that can be instigated through system crashes and data hostages. The person adept at information technology and electronic systems will readily convey that the probable damage of system crashes as well as data hostages are devastating in the sense that they do not only shaken the virtual foundations of institutions but also destroy the intangible interior foundations that build the electronic core of the institutions. Reparations may be met, though, but the time to successfully recover or at least partially get back on track is yet another factor that must be considered. Hence, security measures are as equally significant as the protection of the interests of these institutions, if not even far more important. Conclusion The impacts of ECD have been felt in many ways. As the growth in cyberspace continues to expand and exceed the standards set forth by previous generations in their attempt to resist the institutional forces and further the specific aims for taking up civil disobedience, ECD continues to be a driving force in directing the path of the electronic world. The presence of ECD in contemporary times will eventually stretch through time for as long as there remains a continued expansion in the domain of cyberspace and for as long as the interests of people are not met and properly addressed.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Earthquake in Japan Essay

On March 11, 2011, the most powerful earthquake ever recorded hit Japan’s eastern coast. It killed hundreds of people as it made its way through the streets and fields, sweeping away boats, cars and homes. Its magnitude was 8.9, releasing a 23-foot tsunami and then provoking more than 50 aftershocks for hours. This horrific event resulted in the loss of thousands of lives and devastated entire towns. The amount of damage caused by the earthquake and resulting tsunami was excessive, with most of the damage being caused by the tsunami. Thousands of families were left without electricity. Many nuclear and conventional power plants went offline after the earthquake. Cell phones and landline services suffered major disruptions so many people weren’t able to communicate with their relatives across the country. Japan’s transportation was also affected. Expressways were damaged; cars and trucks were swept away by the tsunami and railway services cancelled. The earthquake was caused by an uplift of the sea floor, where the Pacific tectonic plate slides beneath the plate Japan sits on. This motion pulls the upper plate down until the stress builds up enough to cause a seismic event. Tons of miles of crust ruptured along the area where the tectonic plates meet. Since the earthquake occurred at a very shallow depth, much of its energy was released at the seafloor, therefore causing the tsunami that devastated Japan and causing chaos among the Japanese community. Even though Japan was said to be â€Å"prepared† for a natural disaster such as a tsunami by building protective walls, the large size of the water surge was completely unexpected. The tsunami walls were built based on much smaller tsunami heights recorded in the past. To the surprise of the Japanese people, the tsunami simply washed over the top of the seawalls, collapsing some in the process. The tsunami also caused a number of nuclear accidents. Many electrical generators were taken down, and at least three nuclear reactors suffered explosions due cooling system failure. The tsunami waves overtopped seawalls and destroyed diesel backup power systems, leading to severe problems such as large explosions and radioactive leakage. It has been almost a year since the devastating 9.0 earthquake and tsunami destroyed coastal communities in northern Japan killing more than 15,000 people. What struck me the most about this tragedy is the reaction of the Japanese community and picturing what it would have been like to be present at that moment. I can simply imagine the terror in people’s faces trying to survive and doing everything they could to save their families and themselves. Even though thousands of people died, those who lived through this horrible experience can count with our total support and help from those who could not do anything at the moment and simply watched as Mother Nature, once again, did its job.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Visual Rock Music Stars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Visual Rock Music Stars - Essay Example Above I provided some background information on the topic of rock and roll that will help me get closer to the topic that will be dealt with lower. The aim of my study is to examine the relationship between dress and ideology of visual rock music stars. This group was chosen as the visual nature of the group allows for a thorough analysis of the ways in which the beliefs of the group may affect their decisions relating to dress. In the frameowkr of my project, an interview was conducted with members of a rock music group in order to collect primary data on the topic. The interview is used in this study to ascertain the history of the group and the beliefs of the group. The interview was also used to obtain information about how the group's beliefs have changed over time. The information from the interview is presented here alongside with the relevant current literature to ascertain how the two are interlinked. The interview revealed several things, some of which were expected, but others which were surprising. The interview found that the band did not claim to hold any strong beliefs which related to politics or religion. The band members claimed that their ideology, focused more on having fun, and this was the image that they tried to portray. The band did acknowledge that there are many rock bands which do have strong ideologies. One such example, which they quoted was the British group the Sex Pistols, who were famous in the Punk Rock era of the 1980s. They were as famous for their strong beliefs in anarchy and hatred of the British political regimes as they were for their music. The interview also revealed that the rock group was heavily influenced by other counterpart rock groups. Though, not only other... This "Visual Rock Music Stars" essay outlines the history of rock’n’roll music and how it affects the fashion. There was a rock band specifically mentioned in the interview that was the Sex Pistols. This band is considered to be an iconic rock band on many levels. Their music was highly controversial and being produced and released independently. That state of things allowed the band a large degree of freedom that many other bands which having signed to corporate brands did not possess. The entire stance which was adopted by the group was â€Å"anti-establishment†. It is for this reason that the Sex Pistols selected their dress. They aimed to take the clothes which were seen as socially acceptable at that time and transform them into a dress code, which would be highly controversial. It was not only the clothes which the Sex pistols altered in an attempt to shock, moreover, they also adopted hairstyles such as the Mohican, died their hair dramatic colors, and dec orated their bodies with tattoos and piercings. Other rock bands at the time did not possess the same levels of freedom, and as a result, their images were far more controlled by the record label and have not been so distinct. Goshert (2000) suggests that although the majority of modern bands would not consider themselves to be ‘punk’ bands, they are still heavily influenced by the ideology of bands such as the Sex Pistols. For example when the photos of the band interviewed were inspected it would be possible to see some elements of ‘punk’ dress in their early photos.

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Diabetes Issue Prevailing in South Asian Indian Women Term Paper

The Diabetes Issue Prevailing in South Asian Indian Women - Term Paper Example Kanaya et. Al (2010) stated that South Asians have a prevalence of diabetes despite their low body weight. This may be because of the difference in the culture that needs to be analyzed. Based on the study conducted by Kanaya et al, it was found that South Asian Indians immigrants are more likely to have diabetes than other US ethnic Groups. The discussion aims at highlighting the health issue prevailing in South Asian Indian women in Los Angeles County in the United States along with developing a health care program to curtail the health issue to an extent. Gielen, Bone (2008) stated that the quality of life is often affected by these health issues along with affecting the social and economic environment in the present as well as in the future. The health problem to be assessed in this particular discussion is diabetes using Precede-Proceed Model as a public health theory The study would be conducted in Los Angeles County by collecting data and information on South Asian Indian wome n suffering from diabetes. ...Wulffson (2011) stated that diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death and the ninth leading cause of premature death in Los Angeles County. The impact of diabetes has been severe on South Asian Indian women compared to any other ethnic group in the United States as per the study conducted by Kanaya et. al (2010). The data reflected that a total of 29% of Asian Indians had diabetes, after the full research and analysis, Indians still had high cases of diabetes compared to whites and Latinos. However, diabetes cases of South Asian Indians were similar to African Americans: Indians [odds ratio (OR), 1.0], whites, 0.29; Latinos (0.34) African Americans (0.77 ;) South Asian Indians have a different lifestyle compared to other ethnic groups in terms of nutrient intakes. Chowdhury and Hitman (2000) stated that the primary cause of diabetes is obesity that increases the weight of the body along with making it defunct up to an extent in terms of performing no rmal usual tasks. Along with this, hypertension and proclivity towards oily and rich food often affect the body mass index of South Asian Indian Women.  

Buyer Behaviour - Analysis of The Ritz Hotel Assignment

Buyer Behaviour - Analysis of The Ritz Hotel - Assignment Example With reference to the Ritz Hotel this paper aims at evaluating how consumer motivation, perceptions, learning and attitude formation could influence purchasing. In order to attract the maximum number of customers, it is important for a business to have the knowledge of how rational consumers will make their decisions on consumptions. Consumers usually have specific desires and preferences that can always be represented by a numerical utility function. In the choices made by consumers, it can always be said that the they intend to solve an optimization problem. The optimization of choice usually has three components, namely: the object of choice, which refer to the specific thing being chosen; the objective function, which refers to the purpose the object is supposed to serve; and the constraints, which basically restrict a consumer’s choice of certain products (Foxall 2004, p. 92). In making choices, consumers are always inhibited by budget constraint. Budget constraint implies that consumers can only consume what they can afford. In relation budget constraint it can be said that the Ritz being a 5-star hotel and having the pricing policies is likely to be unattractive to low income earners. According to the Maslows hierarchy of needs, the choice of a consumer can also be affected by how much the product or service is of importance to their life(Tyagi & Kumar 2004, p. 111) However, Ritz Hotel is likely to be highly favored by user preference. In a situation where a consumer’s choice is not hindered by budget constraint they are likely to choose the services offered by the Ritz Hotel because of the high quality. For example, high minimum bets and entry fee for the casino have not hindered those who can afford it from visiting the casino. The preference will likely be as a result of the completeness and transitivity of the services

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Comparative and Contrast Essay Christianity and Islam

Comparative and Contrast Christianity and Islam - Essay Example   Jesus is the â€Å"Christ† which means the â€Å"anointed one†.   Jesus is the anointed one from God the Father who came to this world, fulfilled the Old Testament laws and prophecies, died on the cross, and rose from the dead physically (Slick, n.d.). The religion teaches that there is an existence of only one God. According to Christianity, God made the universe, the Earth and created Adam and Eve. Therefore, the best way to answer what Christianity is about is to say that it is a relationship with the true and living God through the person of Jesus Christ by whom we are forgiven of our sins and escape the righteous judgment of God (Slick, n.d.). Islam is regarded as one of the three central Abrahamic faiths along with Judaism and Christianity (Duncan, n.d.). Islam is derived from the word salaam which means â€Å"peace†, â€Å"submission to God†, and â€Å"way to peace†. The followers of Islam are the â€Å"Muslims† or those who â₠¬Å"submit† to God’s will. Duncan (n.d.) described Islam as a universal religion that teaches that God is merciful and compassionate, and that promises the faithful worldly peace and equality and entrance to a sublime eternity. It is a monotheistic religion which believes only in the existence of one God. Comparing and Contrasting Islam and Christianity These are some of the main similarities between Christianity and Islam. Peter Jackson (n.d.) stated that both religions say that there is only One God. This God is the most sovereign and he rules the history. The two religions also believe in Jesus. However, there are quite differences in how they believe him. Another similarity is the existence of Angels. Both religions believe in the existence of angels which are the referred to as the messengers of God. Both religions have Prophets and prophecy which includes many of the same characters such as Abraham, David, Noah and the like (Jackson, n.d.). The two religions also b elieve the concept of Heaven and Hell and God’s future judgment (Jackson, n.d.). Heaven is often portrayed as the holiest place in which people who have died continue to exist in an afterlife. Hell, on the other hand, is a place of suffering and punishment afterlife. God’s judgment will determine whether a person will be sent to heaven or hell after death. Although these two religions are similar in many ways, we can’t deny that they differ in a lot of ideologies and theologies. In both religions God is the creator of everything and he is loving and forgiving (McLean, 2007). One major difference between the beliefs of Christians and Muslims regarding God is that while Christians believe in the Holy Trinity, or three persons in one divine nature, Muslims believe that God is only one person and that the Trinity is the belief in three Gods (McLean, 2007). The two religions differ in their founder. Muhammad is the founder of Islam and believed by Muslims to be perfe ct and sinless. In Christianity, the founder is Jesus. For Muslims, Muhammad was not only a religious leader, but also a political leader, which explains the common practice of integrated church and state in many Muslim countries (McLean, 2007). Both religions recognize Jesus but their beliefs about him vary. Islam and Christianity believe that Jesus was sinless, perfect and born of the Virgin Mary (McLean, 2007). The two religions accept that Jesus performed miracles and was ascended, or raised up, to God. McLean (2007) stated that Muslims see Jesus as a highly regarded prophet, while Christians see Him as God himself.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Entrepreneurs Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Entrepreneurs - Coursework Example He is the founder of Hamilton Bradshaw and presently acting there as CEO. The company established in 2004, has several areas of operations like buyout, venture capital, turnarounds, and real estate investment in the UK (http://www.james-caan.com/about-james/). James Caan is a British-Pakistani entrepreneur and widely known for Dragons’ Den, a TV program of BBC in which he remained a part of judges’ panel from 2007 to 2010. James Caan basically belongs to Pakistan and his real name is Nazim Khan. In a critical point of view, it can be observed that Caan has a personality of diversified characteristics, both positive and negative. In business point of view, Caan possesses almost all those qualities which a good and successful entrepreneur must have. He is quite intelligent and sharp. One of the positive features of his personality is that he wisely knows how to transform the situations for his benefits. During the early phase of his recruitment agency, Caan had no space i n his office at Pall Mall to make any dealings with the clients; therefore, in order to highlight a better image of his company, he prudently preferred the address of an esteemed place to catch the attention of the clients (http://www.startups.co.uk/james-caan.html). At that time the whole meetings with clients were carried out in some restaurants or coffee shops and the clients were told that the company is so busy that they don’t have enough space to deal all the clients in the company’s meeting rooms. For the clients’ easiness, during the same phase, he also changed his name from Nazim Khan to James Caan. This is another example of his smart mind. His autobiography ‘The Real Deal’ reveals several of his sharp moves, showing him as one of the smart, sharp, and reflexive man of UK business world. Mentally, Caan is not very intelligent but also strong. His father had a successful leather goods manufacturing business and was looking for his son to ta ke it over, but Caan was mentally a free person. He was psychologically so strong that he left all that business and decided to venture into quite different fields. Another one of his positive norms is that he does substantial charity to help out the needy people. James Caan Foundation, established in 2006, predominantly works for education of the unprivileged children. During July 2010 when flood hit a huge part of Pakistan, Caan tremendously contributed in the rehabilitation process. With the support of UNICEF, Caan raised ?100,000. Despite of being a dynamic, versatile, and concerned professional, Caan has some flaws. He left his parents when they were looking for his support to take over the family business. This led him to remain estranged from his father for long time. Caan faced a great criticism in 2010, when he offered to buy a baby from a flood affected family of Pakistan (BBC News, 22nd October, 2010). He has also been blamed for tax avoidance with respect to his private equity company i.e. Hamilton Bradshaw. Madam C.J. Walker: Hair-care Entrepreneur Sarah Breedlove McWilliams Walker, widely famed as Madame CJ Walker, modernized the cosmetics and hair care industry for African American women during the first quarter of 20th century. By revolutionizing the cosmetics industry, she became one of the most impressive and influential African American women during the last and first quarters of the 19th and 20th century respectively. Besides a