
Saturday, April 13, 2019

The History of Chocolate Essay Example for Free

The History of hot chocolate EssayThe number one recorded licence of chocolate as a food proceeds goes back to Pre-Columbian Mexico. The Mayans and Aztecs were known to make a drink c all(prenominal)ed Xocoatll from the beans of the cocoa tree. In 1528, the conquering Spaniards returned to Spain with chocolate still consumed as a beverage. A standardised chocolate drink was brought to a royal wedding in France in 1615, and England welcomed chocolate in 1662. To this detail chocolate as we spell it today, had been spelled variously as chocalatall, jocolatte, jacolatte, and chockelet. 11In 1847, Fry Sons in England introduced the first eating chocolate, but did not attract much attention due to its bitter taste. In 1874, Daniel Peter, a famed Swiss chocolateer, experimented with various mixtures in an effort to balance chocolates rough flavor, and eventually stumbled upon that abundant product milk. This changed everything and chocolates acceptance after that was quick and enthusiastic.GROWING COCOA BEANS coffee beans argon usually grown on small plantations in suitable land argonas 20 degrees north or south of the Equator. One ripe cocoa tree can be expected to yield about five pounds of chocolate per year. These are planted in the shade of larger trees such as bananas or mangos, about 1000 trees per hectare (2,471 acres).Cocoa trees take five to eight years to mature. afterwards harvesting from the trees, the pods (which contain the cocoa beans) are garbled open, beans outside, and the beans are put on trays covered with burlap for about a week until they brownish. Then they are sun dried until the moisture content is below 7%. This normally takes another three days. After cleaning, the beans are weighed, selected and blended before roasting at 250 degrees Fahrenheit for two hours. Then shells are removed leaving the nib. Nibs are crushed to create a chocolate mass. This is the base raw material from which all chocolate products are made.KINDS OF CHOCOLATEMilk ChocolateThis consists of at least 10% chocolate spirits (raw chocolate pressed from carob nibs) and 12% milk solids combined with sugar, cocoa butter (fat from nibs), and vanilla. Sweet and Semi-Sweet Chocolate Are made from 15-35% chocolate liquor, plus sugar, cocoa butter, and vanilla. Imprecision of the two terms causes them to commonly be called dark or plain chocolate. Dark chocolate has a large following among dessert makers, and for this priming is referred to as baking chocolate.Bittersweet and Bitter ChocolateBittersweet usually contains 50% chocolate liguor and has a distinct bite to the taste. Bitter or unsweetened chocolate liquor also is used in baking and is also referred to as bakers chocolate.Creams and VariationsBite sized and chocolate covered. They are filled with caramels, nuts, creams, jellies, and so forth. pureness ChocolateIs not really chocolate as it contains no chocolate liquor, Carob This is a brown powder made from the pulverized fruit of a Mediterranean evergreen. It is used by some as a substitute for chocolate because it can be combined with vegetable fat and sugar, and made to some the color and consistency of chocolate.

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